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CEREC Same Day Dental Crown
Roswell, GA

Image of hands preping CEREC® machine at Reich Dental Center – Roswell in Roswell, GA.With the advancement in the field of dentistry, patients are gravitating towards more efficient, state-of-the-art methods of manufacturing dental crowns as replacements for missing or damanged teeth. In recent years, Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic (CEREC®) crowns have made the dentistry experience more comfortable, cost-effective, and time-effective for both patients and Reich Dental Center – Roswell.

CEREC® Same Day Crowns Explained

CEREC® crowns are not as different as regular crowns, though their construction may be more accurate and certainly is less time consuming than normal crowns.

Although normal crowns may be made from metal, porcelain, resin, and a combination of these materials, CEREC® crowns are only made from high-grade porcelain. The most common types of porcelains used to make both CEREC® and normal crowns are E-Max and zirconia.

Using the Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) dental technology, our doctors can create your crown from a single block of porcelain.

Both E-Max and zirconia have the highest strength of the porcelain and are extremely durable. They blend seamlessly with your teeth and are not easily chipped off. With these porcelains, you can expect your CEREC® crown to last you for over 15 years.

What Does a CEREC® Same Day Crown Construction Involve?

If you are recommended a CEREC® crown by our doctors, we will first need to take images of your mouth.

For a normal crown construction, we will take a putty-like material and place it in your mouth to get a physical impression of your teeth. For CEREC same day crowns, however, an intraoral camera will take digitized 3D images of your tooth and mouth and send it to the CAD/CAM system. Once there, we can adjust the digital model of your crown so that it fits perfectly onto your tooth. The model is then sent to the CEREC® machine which will mill out a replica that matches the shape of your natural tooth exactly.

The process does not typically take more than 30 minutes, and is completed in one appointment.

Benefits of a CEREC® Same Day Crown

CEREC® crowns have several benefits over traditional crowns:
•  The biggest benefit of CEREC® crown is that it is much less time-consuming than normal crowns. The creation and fitting of the crown can be completed in as little as one hour and you do not need to return for another appointment.
•  Restoring your smile and the chewing function of your mouth in a matter of hours.
•  With normal crowns, you need to wear a temporary crown until your permanent crown has been fabricated. With CEREC® crowns, this added expense is eliminated. Temporary crowns are also weak and may not adequately protect your tooth from being injured or re-infected. With same-day CEREC® crown, this is not an issue.
•  You do not have to go through the discomfort of putting a thick putty-like paste into your mouth to take impressions. Digital images are taken by an intraoral camera.
•  CEREC® technology allows us to scan your tooth impression which is precise to within one-tenth of a millimeter.

Cons of a CEREC® Same Day Crown

Though CEREC® crowns are very accurate and convenient, they have a few limitations. To overcome them, a normal crown may be a better choice in certain situations.
•  Materials like metal or porcelain-fused-to-metal are better choices for crowns as they are stronger and more durable and can last for 25 to 40 years.
•  Intraoral camera may not be able to adequately detect a tooth fracture that extends below the gum line. In this case, a traditional crown may fit better.

If you are interested in getting a CEREC® same day crown, contact us at 770-992-3353 to schedule an appointment with us.

Request Your Appointment

Reich Dental Center – Roswell

Robin Reich, DDS | Stacey Wingad, DMD | Megan Reich Rihan, DMD
Andrea Vita, DMD

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1775 Woodstock Rd, Suite 350 Roswell, GA 30075

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CEREC Same Day Crowns - Roswell, GA • Reich Dental Center
At Reich Dental Center, we provide CEREC same day crowns as an option for our patients. They are more comfortable, cost-effective, and time-effective. Click to learn more.
Reich Dental Center - Roswell, 1775 Woodstock Rd, Suite 350 Roswell, GA 30075, 770-992-3353,, 5/7/2024, Related Terms: dentist Roswell GA,