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What Direction is Best to Brush, In Circles or Straight Lines?

Posted on 10/5/2020 by Office
What Direction is Best to Brush, In Circles or Straight Lines?Many of our patients at Reich Dental Center wonder if it is better to brush your teeth in circles or in straight lines. If you have wondered about this yourself, here is some information to help you out.

Brushing in a Straight Line: How Effective is it?

Do you brush in a straight line? Brushing your teeth in a straight line is not that effective. When you brush your teeth in a straight line, parts of your teeth will not be clean. Also brushing your teeth in this way can cause you to have streaks on your teeth. It is very important to brush your teeth softly. When you brush your teeth in a straight line, you tend to brush your teeth harshly. If you brush your teeth in a harsh way, you can potentially wear away your tooth enamel. If you have always brush your teeth in a straight line, you should consider brushing your teeth in a more effective way.

Brushing in a Circular Motion: Does it Really Matter?

You might be wondering if it really matters if you brush in a straight line or a circular motion. The answer is yes, it does matter. By brushing your teeth in a circle, you can ensure the proper cleaning of your teeth. This can prevent cavities, damage to your tooth enamel, and much more. When you brush your teeth in this way, you will also be able to gently clean your gums and your teeth. Plus, you remove more of the excess food particles form your teeth and gums.

Let Us Help

We hope this has been helpful to you. If you would like more information on brushing—or on any other aspect of your dental routine—feel free to give us a call at 770-435-5450.

Reich Dental Center

Robin Reich, DDS | Stacey Wingad, DMD | Megan Reich Rihan, DMD
Andrea Vita, DMD

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